MIP Options Tab

The XPRESS Solver Options dialog MIP tab allows you to set basic options for the Branch and Cut method.

On this tab, you can select a conservative, aggressive, or automatically determined Cut Strategy, or you can disable generation of cuts.  You can set absolute and relative Integer Tolerances and related parameters which determine how close the Solver must come to an integer optimal solution before stopping.  And you can solve the relaxation of the MIP problem, temporarily ignoring the integer constraints.

XPRESS Solver Options MIP tab (43282 bytes)

XPRESS Solver Options
dialog MIP tab

Advanced MIP Options Tab

The XPRESS Solver Options dialog Advanced MIP tab allows you to set advanced options that control the Branch and Cut method.  The default values are often useful, but may be changed for specific problems to improve performance.

On this tab, you can control the use of Integer Preprocessing strategies at each node, the Cut Frequency, Maximum Depth for cut generation, and the Number of Rounds (times) that certain kinds of cuts are generated at different nodes.  You can also control the computation of Pseudo Costs used to choose the best integer variable to branch upon.

XPRESS Solver Options Advanced MIP tab (46392 bytes)

XPRESS Solver Options
dialog Advanced MIP tab

Next:  MIP Node Selection User Options >


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