You can download and run (on Windows) SDKSetup.exe to install Frontline Systems' Solver SDK products from this page. You'll need a developer tool such as Visual Studio to build and run application programs that call Solver SDK to define and solve models. Many example application programs, written in C/C++, C#, Java, R and Python, are included in the installation.
NOTE: To make successful calls to the SDK you need a software license. To get a FREE trial license, good for 15 days from the date of installation, please login first on, using the email address and password you entered on our Trial Request forms -- THEN click the Download Now button below. If you already downloaded and ran SDKSetup without completing a Trial Request form, there is a backup: Run the installed program SolverLicMan.exe, and fill out the Trial Request form displayed by this program.
Windows Users, Download SDK Platform Here
While we have two versions of Solver SDK, Solver SDK Pro and Solver SDK Platform, your free trial is for our flagship SDK product, Solver SDK Platform. You can see a comparison chart of the two products here. When you choose a version to purchase, you won’t need to re-install. The license you purchase will determine which version, therefore which feature set, is available.