PsiObj(objective cell, sense, valueof, chancetype, chance measure, comment, model name)

PsiObj adds an objective cell to the optimization model.  Pass the cell address of the objective cell as the first argument, Objective Cell.  For the Sense argument, pass “min” for a minimization, “max” for a maximization” and “ValueOf” if using the ValueOf property.  If using ValueOf, pass the numerical value as the next argument, i.e. 1000.  Set the type of objective for the ChanceType, Normal, Expected VaR, CVaR, or USet.  If the objective includes uncertainty, set the Chance Measure in the next argument.  Pass integer values for the chance type:  0 (Normal), 1 (Expected), 2 (VaR), 3 (CVaR), or 4 (USet).  Pass a value from 0 to 1 for the chance measure. A comment may be added to the objective (surrounded by quotes) which will appear under “Comment” in the Variable Property Window. (To view the Property Window simply highlight the variable or range of variables in the Task Pane Model tab.  The Property Window will appear at the bottom of the task pane.)  You may pass a model or sheet name, in quotes, for the last argument, model name, to indicate to ASP what model or worksheet the objective belongs.